Thursday, June 27, 2013

Footprints and Footsteps

I love baby feet, particularly my baby's feet.

When Jax was in my tummy, I would wake up with bruised ribs because he'd kick me in the night, so excited to get out.

When he was out, he'd kick his feet to show his excitement for living.

When he learned to crawl, his feet would paddle like a bike and he'd crawl like a charging baby rhinoceros.

Now that he walks, his feet show him the world one step at a time.

I know now I'm supposed to say something profound about footsteps for his future... But I guess all I can say is I hope he studies ours and makes his own.  I know his footsteps will be fleeting and I need to cherish every one.


  1. That was really sweet. It may be pregnancy hormones, but that almost made me teary eyed. :)
