It has been so chaotic, I haven't posted in forever! So much has happened, and now that Lil is about 8 weeks old, I figure I better write her birth story down before I forget any more of it... But here's what's been going on in a nutshell, then I'll share her story...
So we stayed with my in-laws for about 3 months, had Lil there, and decided it was time to move into an apartment close to where we're planning on building in the spring, which meant Layton, UT. Now we've been in our apartment about a month and even though it's small, has had multiple floods, and has pest issues, we love it. We like living simplistically in this 750 sq ft 2 bedroom apartment with Josh and I, our two kids, and our two cats haha. Shortly after we moved we had to get a new car- the Civic bit the bullet and needed a new engine, therefore we are proud owners of a 1998 Subaru Legacy Outback. And even though we had to pay an additional $750 to fix an really bad oil leak to pass emissions, we love the car and it fits our family so much better! Alright, now on to Lil...
I was so angry. It was my due date and I still hadn't had the baby. This was my second child, only 18 months after my first, I'd had 2 false labors, and my bloody show almost a week ago. All signs pointed to the fact that I should have already had her. I was having annoying contractions all the time but they weren't doing anything. My mom and step-dad came up from California in hopes I'd have the baby this week, and my midwife told my that if I didn't have her in a few more days we'd resort to castor oil. I was on the clock now. As the evening came I was sick of everyone asking me if I was having contractions. I felt like everyone was just watching me, waiting for my water to break or something- my patience was running out.
That evening I made a huge dinner for Josh's family and my visiting one, it was delicious. A contraction here, a contraction there... these were more painful, but after 2 false labors I wasn't getting my hopes up for fear of a third. We put Jax to bed around 7 and Josh wanted to watch Pacific Rim, but as we watched the movie my contractions were definitely painful now, and worth not ignoring. We started counting contractions at 8:57 pm. They were really consistent and pretty painful (i.e. I made Josh pause the movie every contraction so I could focus on breathing) so we called the midwife about 10 pm. She took her time, which I told her to, and she arrived about 11:30 to check me. Less than a week ago I was not progressed at all, now I was a 3 and pretty well effaced. This was happening for real now. Nancy, the midwife's assistant, helped push on my knees during the contractions and between her and Josh helping me, I basically sat in a comfy chair and breathed through the labor without incident, I wasn't making very much sound, just sitting and breathing as they got closer together. Finally things were really painful and I thought I reached my threshold when they checked me and told me I was at an 8. They broke my water and shortly after I was on the birth stool and they were telling my I could push when I was ready. I was literally in transition for maybe 7 contractions... thank goodness. I was hesitant to give my all while pushing, since, you know, I could feel everything... Josh was ready to catch her, I bore down with everything I had and out she went! He literally had to catch her. Lilian Eve Prieto was born at 2:37am October 23rd. Less than three hours after my due date (which is funny becuase Jax was born 3 hours before my due date). She was very petite, 6lb 7oz and 19 inches long. All of her features are petite and perfect. She's a doll, and a cuddle bug. Jax love to give her kisses. Since about 6 weeks she's only been waking up once a night, which I'm grateful for. Unfortunately I've been having a pretty hard time with postpartum depression this time around. It's hit and miss, some days are great and other days are horrible, but Josh and my mom help a lot. Josh is really sensitive to how I'm feeling, especially if I'm down and always tries to reassure me that I'm doing a good job with our kids. I love being a family of four and can't wait to take her down to California to see my family for Christmas!
It's so good you got that story down now while it is still fresh; now you'll have it for always! We are so proud of you and you do such a wonderful job with our grandchildren (otherwise we'd come and take them away from you!).