It has been so chaotic, I haven't posted in forever! So much has happened, and now that Lil is about 8 weeks old, I figure I better write her birth story down before I forget any more of it... But here's what's been going on in a nutshell, then I'll share her story...
So we stayed with my in-laws for about 3 months, had Lil there, and decided it was time to move into an apartment close to where we're planning on building in the spring, which meant Layton, UT. Now we've been in our apartment about a month and even though it's small, has had multiple floods, and has pest issues, we love it. We like living simplistically in this 750 sq ft 2 bedroom apartment with Josh and I, our two kids, and our two cats haha. Shortly after we moved we had to get a new car- the Civic bit the bullet and needed a new engine, therefore we are proud owners of a 1998 Subaru Legacy Outback. And even though we had to pay an additional $750 to fix an really bad oil leak to pass emissions, we love the car and it fits our family so much better! Alright, now on to Lil...
I was so angry. It was my due date and I still hadn't had the baby. This was my second child, only 18 months after my first, I'd had 2 false labors, and my bloody show almost a week ago. All signs pointed to the fact that I should have already had her. I was having annoying contractions all the time but they weren't doing anything. My mom and step-dad came up from California in hopes I'd have the baby this week, and my midwife told my that if I didn't have her in a few more days we'd resort to castor oil. I was on the clock now. As the evening came I was sick of everyone asking me if I was having contractions. I felt like everyone was just watching me, waiting for my water to break or something- my patience was running out.
That evening I made a huge dinner for Josh's family and my visiting one, it was delicious. A contraction here, a contraction there... these were more painful, but after 2 false labors I wasn't getting my hopes up for fear of a third. We put Jax to bed around 7 and Josh wanted to watch Pacific Rim, but as we watched the movie my contractions were definitely painful now, and worth not ignoring. We started counting contractions at 8:57 pm. They were really consistent and pretty painful (i.e. I made Josh pause the movie every contraction so I could focus on breathing) so we called the midwife about 10 pm. She took her time, which I told her to, and she arrived about 11:30 to check me. Less than a week ago I was not progressed at all, now I was a 3 and pretty well effaced. This was happening for real now. Nancy, the midwife's assistant, helped push on my knees during the contractions and between her and Josh helping me, I basically sat in a comfy chair and breathed through the labor without incident, I wasn't making very much sound, just sitting and breathing as they got closer together. Finally things were really painful and I thought I reached my threshold when they checked me and told me I was at an 8. They broke my water and shortly after I was on the birth stool and they were telling my I could push when I was ready. I was literally in transition for maybe 7 contractions... thank goodness. I was hesitant to give my all while pushing, since, you know, I could feel everything... Josh was ready to catch her, I bore down with everything I had and out she went! He literally had to catch her. Lilian Eve Prieto was born at 2:37am October 23rd. Less than three hours after my due date (which is funny becuase Jax was born 3 hours before my due date). She was very petite, 6lb 7oz and 19 inches long. All of her features are petite and perfect. She's a doll, and a cuddle bug. Jax love to give her kisses. Since about 6 weeks she's only been waking up once a night, which I'm grateful for. Unfortunately I've been having a pretty hard time with postpartum depression this time around. It's hit and miss, some days are great and other days are horrible, but Josh and my mom help a lot. Josh is really sensitive to how I'm feeling, especially if I'm down and always tries to reassure me that I'm doing a good job with our kids. I love being a family of four and can't wait to take her down to California to see my family for Christmas!
The Prieto Pack
Monday, December 16, 2013
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Three Days, A Little Helper, and Cherished Moments
I am now officially three days out from my due date, and needless to say I'm a little anxious to get things going. I had Jaxton 1 day before his due date, but this is my second and they'll only be 18 months apart so all logic says I should have this little bundle before Monday, which would be equivalent to when I had Jax. However, things aren't always logical. I'm doing really well physically considering, though my feet get tired quick. I'm having this baby at home with a midwife and couldn't be more excited. I had Jax at the hospital with an OB and well... the experience was not fabulous. Each morning now I pray to go into labor that day, but each night I pray for labor to wait until morning. My poor mom and stepdad constantly await a call from me telling them it's time to get into the car and come up here. Hopefully I can make that call soon.
In the past month or so, Jaxton has become my little helper. He helps put shoes away in the shoe rack. He "helps" unload and close up the dish washer. He helps clean up his toys. He helps get himself dressed. He helps me assemble IKEA furniture. He helps me get a walk every day. He helps me smile throughout the day. Mainly he helps me stay sane and keeps my mind off of labor and awaiting the arrival of his little sister.
The past month awaiting Lilian I've made sure to cherish special moments with Jaxton. This is the last month it's just going to be us two during the day. He's going to be a big brother. I'm going to be the mom of childREN. We're both growing up. It's crazy exciting but it also makes you slow down a bit. I've been trying to pay extra attention to our bonding moments and his developments. Not saying I won't do that later too but it will never be easier than now. Slowing down and appreciating those moments really make me appreciate my life and that fact that I'm so involved in this amazing little boy's life. I'm so blessed to be given the opportunity to be his mother, and so grateful to bear the responsibility of bringing his little sister into the world.
In the past month or so, Jaxton has become my little helper. He helps put shoes away in the shoe rack. He "helps" unload and close up the dish washer. He helps clean up his toys. He helps get himself dressed. He helps me assemble IKEA furniture. He helps me get a walk every day. He helps me smile throughout the day. Mainly he helps me stay sane and keeps my mind off of labor and awaiting the arrival of his little sister.
The past month awaiting Lilian I've made sure to cherish special moments with Jaxton. This is the last month it's just going to be us two during the day. He's going to be a big brother. I'm going to be the mom of childREN. We're both growing up. It's crazy exciting but it also makes you slow down a bit. I've been trying to pay extra attention to our bonding moments and his developments. Not saying I won't do that later too but it will never be easier than now. Slowing down and appreciating those moments really make me appreciate my life and that fact that I'm so involved in this amazing little boy's life. I'm so blessed to be given the opportunity to be his mother, and so grateful to bear the responsibility of bringing his little sister into the world.
Friday, October 4, 2013
I Am SO Over It
So you know that really awkward last stage of pregnancy? Well I'm in it. You know, where none of your maternity clothes fit, but you don't buy more because you'll only be this huge for another few weeks. You oh-so-carefully roll over in bed for fear of pulling a ligament in your giant abdomen. Every time there's stormy weather in the forecast you think, "Hey maybe I'll go into labor!" You barely manage to bend down, which makes life tricky when you also have a toddler or other kids running around. Every time you have a contraction you pray it's progressing you. Ya, you know what I'm talking about. That's where I'm at, and I'm over it.
On Monday I'll be 38 weeks along. Jax and Lilian are going to be about 18 months apart. Also we believe I have an irritable uterus this time around (tons of fun contractions that do NOTHING). I've been pretty active this pregnancy so all the factors point to me not going to my due date. Though at the beginning of pregnancy I was still expecting to go to due date because I had Jax 3 hours before his due date and both of my grandmothers basically had all their children on their due dates. I was totally fine with it until I finished my crazy sewing projects... and then got to this awkward stage... blah.
Last Saturday I had a false labor because of the combination between my irritable uterus (isn't that such a great term lol) and the cervix softener my midwife put me on. After we realized it was false labor I've been doing my darndest to NOT think about labor or when the baby will come. Sure, I got a calling at church that I feel WAY under-qualified for and therefore have to dedicate a bunch of time to everyday (Relief Society pianist), and that helps, but I still keep thinking, "Hey it's getting close to the weekend, which would be great if I went into labor now because Josh wouldn't need to take time off work!" I guess I'll just try to be patient (never one of my strong points, need I mention) and keep trying to distract myself... Any suggestions?
On Monday I'll be 38 weeks along. Jax and Lilian are going to be about 18 months apart. Also we believe I have an irritable uterus this time around (tons of fun contractions that do NOTHING). I've been pretty active this pregnancy so all the factors point to me not going to my due date. Though at the beginning of pregnancy I was still expecting to go to due date because I had Jax 3 hours before his due date and both of my grandmothers basically had all their children on their due dates. I was totally fine with it until I finished my crazy sewing projects... and then got to this awkward stage... blah.
Last Saturday I had a false labor because of the combination between my irritable uterus (isn't that such a great term lol) and the cervix softener my midwife put me on. After we realized it was false labor I've been doing my darndest to NOT think about labor or when the baby will come. Sure, I got a calling at church that I feel WAY under-qualified for and therefore have to dedicate a bunch of time to everyday (Relief Society pianist), and that helps, but I still keep thinking, "Hey it's getting close to the weekend, which would be great if I went into labor now because Josh wouldn't need to take time off work!" I guess I'll just try to be patient (never one of my strong points, need I mention) and keep trying to distract myself... Any suggestions?
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
35 weeks, Braxton Hicks, and Hot Chocolate
I'm now officially 35 weeks and a day along in this pregnancy, and it's turning out to be WAY different than my first pregnancy. Last time around I didn't really get any contractions or Braxton Hicks until I went into labor... Now I have Braxton Hicks ALL THE TIME and intermittent contractions. In fact this morning while I was walking with Jax I had one long Braxton Hicks through the entire walk, talk about uncomfortable! I don't know if that means that I'm going to go into labor early or what, but before all this... activity... I fully expected to go until my due date like I did with Jax, but now I have no idea.
Also, I have a really hard time sleeping now. Last pregnancy I just needed to sleep a lot, but now I wake up around 3 am and can't go back to sleep. Luckily I've found that getting up and taking a shower helps me get back to sleep... except this morning... which was lame. I read an article about sleeping during the last trimester and they recommended drinking a hot drink before bed, so I've been on a strict regimen of drinking a mug of hot cocoa before bed :D. Now that I think about it I didn't have any last night, which may be why I had a hard time this morning. Well I'll definitely have to get back into my regimen tonight and see if it helps.
I've still been nesting like crazy, which of course is taken out on sewing... And I must say I'm pretty impressed with myself, I'm getting to the point where I can wing it pretty well. Here are some pictures of the things I finished last week!
Here are the dresses, I found a tutorial online and adjusted the sizing. I decided most of the things I was sewing were for spring/summer weather (which doesn't fly in Utah) so these are supposed to be more for the winter...
This is the jacket and pair of boots, the jacket I made without a pattern and it's lined in fuzzy cream fabric. The boots I made by altering the pattern I have for the booties and winging it. They're also lined with the fuzzy cream fabric... Again, I'm aiming for winter.
Also, I have a really hard time sleeping now. Last pregnancy I just needed to sleep a lot, but now I wake up around 3 am and can't go back to sleep. Luckily I've found that getting up and taking a shower helps me get back to sleep... except this morning... which was lame. I read an article about sleeping during the last trimester and they recommended drinking a hot drink before bed, so I've been on a strict regimen of drinking a mug of hot cocoa before bed :D. Now that I think about it I didn't have any last night, which may be why I had a hard time this morning. Well I'll definitely have to get back into my regimen tonight and see if it helps.
I've still been nesting like crazy, which of course is taken out on sewing... And I must say I'm pretty impressed with myself, I'm getting to the point where I can wing it pretty well. Here are some pictures of the things I finished last week!
Of course I only saw the light was wacky after I got it loaded on my computer : / Anyways this is everything from last week, 2 dresses, 4 pairs booties, 2 skirts, a pair of boots and a jacket.
This is the jacket and pair of boots, the jacket I made without a pattern and it's lined in fuzzy cream fabric. The boots I made by altering the pattern I have for the booties and winging it. They're also lined with the fuzzy cream fabric... Again, I'm aiming for winter.
This dress I made the week before, but couldn't take a picture of it to share, but it's one of my favorites! It was a more complicated pattern than I was normally doing but I'm so pleased with how it turned out!!!
Ya, besides chasing my insane toddler around, this is how I've been filling my time. I have so many more ideas but I'm also needing to make Christmas presents and a quiet book for Jax. It's so hard to divide up my time for these last few weeks before the new baby, but at least it's all fun stuff :)
Friday, August 30, 2013
I have a confession, I am a projectaholic. I honestly am only complete when working on some hair-brained project. This past week I've been busy making Christmas presents (which I hope to go into more detail about later) and dresses for the anticipated princess due Oct 22nd! For the sake of brevity (my toddler just woke up), here are the pictures of the dresses I just completed!
This one I made from a maternity top and the orange is from our old pillow shams.
The above two I made from fabric remnants and a
pattern given to me by a friend.
And for the sake of giggles, here's my toddler thinking he's hilarious when he does the splits :)
Yay projects!
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Frantic Nesting
Well as of right now, I'm 31 1/2 weeks along in this pregnancy, and all the sudden I want it to DRASTICALLY slow down. I had my midwife appointment on Monday and she gave me the list of birthing supplies, which I'm now accumulating, and set up our next appointment at the house so she can get a lay of the land. . . Because I'm going to have this baby in like two months... WACK. I guess you could say I'm nesting, but it's more like, "Crap! I have so many dresses to make! And I need to make the Christmas presents for this year before she gets here because after she comes I will have NO time to do so! Where the heck is my thread holder for my sewing machine?!?! Graaaahhhh!!!" Yeah, that's basically it. In lieu of sewing my darling baby girl's clothes (I'm still missing a sewing box from the move that has important things in it... like the thread holder... and bobbins... and my thread...) I am focusing my efforts on completing the non-sewing crafts at this time.
Some family friend's daughters are pregnant and having a joint baby shower next month and I made them these amazing... well I guess in case they read this I shouldn't say... Anyways it took like a week but it was so worth it... So now I'm moving onto Christmas projects, which, I know, is ridiculous... But again, I'm afflicted with crazy nesting, and since we don't live in our own place to decorate right now, I'm focusing my efforts on preparing for Christmas. I've always wanted to just make my own presents for Christmas, and this year I feel like I really have a chance to do so. I have everything mapped out and organized, so I should be alright.
Well I'm off to clean the shower and make a $1, 10 minute Christmas present for my wonderful husband... I can't wait to figure out our camera situation so I can post more pictures :( In the mean time, I hope everyone is not as frantically nesting as I am!
Some family friend's daughters are pregnant and having a joint baby shower next month and I made them these amazing... well I guess in case they read this I shouldn't say... Anyways it took like a week but it was so worth it... So now I'm moving onto Christmas projects, which, I know, is ridiculous... But again, I'm afflicted with crazy nesting, and since we don't live in our own place to decorate right now, I'm focusing my efforts on preparing for Christmas. I've always wanted to just make my own presents for Christmas, and this year I feel like I really have a chance to do so. I have everything mapped out and organized, so I should be alright.
Well I'm off to clean the shower and make a $1, 10 minute Christmas present for my wonderful husband... I can't wait to figure out our camera situation so I can post more pictures :( In the mean time, I hope everyone is not as frantically nesting as I am!
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Back in Action
We're back from our vacation in California! It was pretty insane to think that I hadn't been back home for a year and a half, and half of my family hadn't even met Jax yet!
The week before we left Josh had his finals, which basically meant we didn't see him the whole week. While we were in California we stayed at my mom and step-dad's new house so they got to spend a lot of time with Jax. If you'll notice, I'm not posting any pictures because I WASHED MY CAMERA :(((((( I have this wonderful luck with getting camera's wet... Really, it's awesome. Anyways, now that we're back I'm super loaded with projects to do before Lilian comes and, believe it or not, before Christmas comes.I have so many things planned, I hope I can get them all done in the midst of dealing with my crazy toddler!
The week before we left Josh had his finals, which basically meant we didn't see him the whole week. While we were in California we stayed at my mom and step-dad's new house so they got to spend a lot of time with Jax. If you'll notice, I'm not posting any pictures because I WASHED MY CAMERA :(((((( I have this wonderful luck with getting camera's wet... Really, it's awesome. Anyways, now that we're back I'm super loaded with projects to do before Lilian comes and, believe it or not, before Christmas comes.I have so many things planned, I hope I can get them all done in the midst of dealing with my crazy toddler!
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